February 24, 2011 - Third Time's the Charm?
resident for intake at the hospital in New Jersey. I saw my cardiac
doctor for clearance. February 24, 2011, I go in for my third
fusion surgery (this time L1-L2) in six and a half years. I will also
have the old instrumentation removed from the lower lumbar levels
since I'm solidly fused there and since he's there anyway.
I remember waking up from my first surgery back in October of 2004 and
thinking "It's over! I did it!" Sadly, it was not over. Never let
any surgeon assure you that he (or she) can fix you and afterward,
there will be no further problems. Your chances, after a multi-level
fusion, of slipping more either below or above your initial fusion
site is more than 50%. I have always said that I am glad I had my
surgeries because I was in poor shape before each of them. I hurt
With fusion surgery, always keep your hopes high, your expectations
low and your fingers crossed.
And find a good surgeon, a spine specialist preferably.