...And More Patience ...

Time goes by slowly. I play on my computer, which is one of the only things that make time fly, I also watch DVDs and some TV, I read a lot and just wait to get better. My X-rays show my fusion is "taking" nicely, and there's bone growth where it should be.
The pain is very slowly lessening, but when I do something I shouldn't, move in a way I shouldn't, I'm reminded that part of my lower back is no longer flexible, and it never will be again. I asked for a copy of my X-rays the last time I was at the hospital for one of my check-ups so that I could put it up on the fridge to remind myself of what's in my back, what kind of "tool chest" of screws and rods is back there now. A tiny little piece of artificial disc is also permanently nestled between my L4 and L5 vertebrae, along with all the metal. Whenever I look at that X-ray, I feel like I'm looking at someone else's back, except when I try to move. Then, I remember.
I don't go out much, mainly because I'm on heavy-duty pain meds and because I have a back brace that isn't easily hid by clothing, even though it's winter and sweaters are in. I can't drive yet, so if I want to go somewhere, Hans has to take me. I don't like to trouble him because he's been so good about doing things around the house that I can't do right now. We manage to do some visiting with friends, but even that is limited. We tried to go to a friend's home in central Jersey for a holiday open house in mid December, but the car ride was a bit too much for me, pain-wise. With too much time on my hands, I decided to make up a holiday card for my surgeon and his dynamite staff. That's it, above.
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